- userHead(er)Info 이전 작업 완료
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- 좋아요 이전 작업(하는 중)
- 너무 힘들어요. 뭔가 새로 만드는 게 아니라서 그런 희열이 없어서 지쳐 가네요.
- Warning: This synthetic event is reused for performance reasons. If you’re seeing this, you’re accessing the property nativeEvent on a released/nullified synthetic event. This is set to null. If you must keep the original synthetic event around, use event.persist(). See https://fb.me/react-event-pooling for more information. 실수로 e를 parameter에 넣어서 보냈을 때 떴었다.
- When you’re saying .include({ … }) you’re not asking if the array includes an object with these values, you’re asking if the array contains an object that has the same reference in memory as the object literal you just instanced by passing { … } as a value - answer is no, it does not :) You should use a method that lets you pass a callback to check for equality of interesting values (ie: .find) https://stackoverflow.com/questions/50371188/javascripts-includes-function-not-working-correctly-with-array-of-objects include로 객체 비교하려고 했는데 이러하다고 함. 메모리 주소가 같은지 확인하는 거라 다름. 그래서 답은 JSON.STRINIFY.
Future Action
- 에러 검색하면 답이 잘 나오네요 다음엔 혼자 끙끙 거리지 말고 바로바로 인터넷 고고~
Things to do later
- 좋아요 완성.
- 대대적인 리팩토링.